Optimal Solitaire Yahtzee Player: Instructions

[ Overview | Notes | Examples | Details ]


  1. You provide the current state of a Solitaire Yahtzee game:
    Fill out Score Card and Dice Values, and click Submit button (below Score Card).
  2. The server lists all Options for the given state,
    sorted by expected final score under optimal play.
  3. You can apply an option to update the Score Card and Dice:
    Click Do button.



  1. You are playing a game of Yahtzee, and suddenly you encounter a situation for which you would like to have expert advise.

    1. Enter your situation in the Score Card and Dice fields.
    2. Submit it to the Optimal Solitaire Yahtzee Player.
    3. Read the numerically motivated advice under Options.


    NOTE: If you do not know the exact scores for each of the categories already scored, then you can fill in 0 (zero) in most cases. Keep in mind the following:

    Other aspects do NOT affect the order of all choices and hence the optimal choice. The only difference is a shift in all expected final scores by the same amount.

  2. You are about to play a game of Yahtzee and would like the Optimal Solitaire Yahtzee Player to make all your choices.

    New Game.

    1. Enter the Dice Values in the empty fields,
    2. Click Submit, and
    3. Do the top line under Options.

  3. You want to quiz yourself and see how well you choose compared to the Optimal Solitaire Yahtzee Player. (A better alternative is to do the Yahtzee Proficiency Test.)

    New Game.

    1. Click Roll (to enter random Dice Values in the empty fields),
    2. Make your choice (in your mind),
    3. Click Submit,
    4. Compare your choice to the top line under Options, and
    5. Do your choice line.

Details for Interface Elements

New Game Button
Postcondition: All input fields on the Score Card are empty (Turn #1), all input fields for the Dice are empty (Roll #1).

Score Card Score Fields
The input fields for the thirteen categories
Aces, Twos, Threes, Fours, Fives, Sixes,
Three of a Kind, Four of a Kind, Full House, Small Straight, Large Straight, Yahtzee, Chance,
and the Extra Yahtzee Bonus can be set to the score obtained so far.
Input is checked for validity.
An empty category field indicates that it still needs to be scored.
Turn #, Upper Section Bonus, and GRAND TOTAL are automatically computed.

Roll # Field
The Roll # (1, 2, or 3) can be set through a drop-down menu.

Roll Button
Postcondition: The values of all unkept dice have been set randomly.

Submit Button
Submit game state (Score Card and Dice) for evaluation.
Precondition: There is at least one empty category on the Score Card and all Dice Values are set (not empty).
Postcondition: Options Table is shown.

Dice Value Fields
The input fields for each of the five dice can be set through a drop-down menu to the value rolled.
Precondition: Die is unkept.

Dice Keep Checkboxes
The checkboxes indicate which dice are kept.
Invariant: Keep implies value field is not empty.

Options Table
Lists all options in the submitted game state.
For each option, the expected final score under continued optimal play is indicated to the right, together with its standard deviation, in the form E±S.

Options Do Buttons
Postcondition: The game state is updated according to the selected option: Roll # is cycled: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1.
The selected option is shown next to the Undo button.

Options Undo Button
Postcondition: The game state is reset to the one giving rise to the options.
The field next to the Undo button is emptied.

© 1999, Tom Verhoeff (TUE, Math/CS)
Feedback about this page is welcome